



Xavier University of Louisiana strives to create supportive and comfortable living communities inclusive of the needs of all students.  路易斯安那州e世博esball大学遵守 1990年美国残疾人法案(ADA), 1973年《e世博esball》(第504条), 和公平住房法(FHA) which all prohibit discrimination based on disability and impose various obligations upon the University to accommodate the use of service animals and Emotional 支持 animals that are approved as an accommodation for students with disabilities.

然而, 服务性动物和情感支持动物, 或欧洲航天局, 是不一样的,不可互换的. 它们有不同的功能.


A service animal is a dog or miniature horse as identified by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that is trained to do a task(s) or service(s) directly related to the handlers’ disability. Service animals have received specialized training to perform work or tasks for their handler. Service Animals are allowed in all areas that are open to the general public. 这包括库, 一般的办公室, 金融援助, 注册商, 公共食堂和一般公共活动, 等.

If you are interested in bringing a service animal to live or be present on campus with you, please review the  Xavier University of Louisiana ODS服务和情感 支持 学生动物政策.

We strongly encourage all students with a service animal that will be accompanying them on campus to register with ODS (登记). 通过在混乱办注册, 学生将有能力, 通过ODS服务, to inform faculty in advance that they will have a Service Animal in the class, 实验室, 等. 另外, in order to support our students with service animals on the campus, ODS has developed a voluntary service animal registration process 服务/情感 支援动物登记表格.

一旦学生注册了ODS, the ODS staff will work with the student to obtain a Xavier University ID badge for their service animal. 这对学生来说是免费的. The service animal ID badge will include a picture of the service animal, 处理程序的名称, the animal’s name and indicates this is an ODS approved service animal. If you are planning to live in a Xavier University residential facility and bring a service animal with you, 请按照下列步骤操作 校内住宿.



Some of the handler's responsibilities while the service animal is on campus include the following:

  • 控制好你的服务性动物. The animal should be under leash, harness, hand and/or voice command at all times.
  • The handler is responsible for the behavior of the service animal. 不受控制的吠叫, 跳, 嗅探, 咆哮和哀嚎, not related to the service the animal is providing, 是否有一些不可接受的行为的例子.
  • The handler is responsible for cleaning up after the animal and must carry equipment to clean up the animal’s feces whenever the animal is on campus.
  • The handler must ensure the service animal does not infringe upon aisles or passageways for fire egress. In a 实验室 environment, additional measures might be needed to ensure the safety of the animal.
  • The handler must ensure all legal requirements have been met for an animal in public places (vaccinations, 许可, ID标签, 等.) mandated by State and/or local ordinances in order for the animal to be on campus.
  • The handler must accompany the service animal at all times.
  • 身份证明——虽然不是必需的, it is recommended that a service animal wear recognizable identification. This will alert others that the animal is working and not a pet.

A faculty or a staff member may not inquire about the nature or extent of your disability, but may ask the following questions when it is not readily apparent that the animal is a service animal:

  1. Is the dog/horse required because of a disability? 和;
  2. What work or tasks has the dog/horse been trained to perform related to your disability?


An emotional support animal (ESA) is an animal that provides emotional support, comfort or companionship for a person with a disability to mitigate the impacts of the disability. Emotional support animals are not required to have formal training. ESAs are not considered service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act and therefore are only permitted in certain areas. ESAs are covered under the Fair Housing Act and may be a reasonable accommodation in the residential environment if deemed necessary in order for the student to have equal access to the residential environment.

A student who has been approved for an ESA in the University Residential Hall must adhere to guidelines for maintaining their animal in the residential environment. 这包括但不限于:

  • The animal must be healthy and up to date on any parish or state required vaccinations. This includes having completed its first full set of vaccinations.
  • The animal cannot pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
  • 这只动物一定是经过驯养的.
  • The animal must effectively be under the handlers control at all times.

If you are interested in bringing a service or an assistance animal to live on campus with you please see the ODS, ODS服务和情感 支持 学生动物政策.

In order to have an assistance animal or service animal living in the residence halls, 你必须填妥 申请房屋文件表格.




St. 约瑟夫学术 & 卫生资源中心





P.O. 180箱
新奥尔良,LA 70125



